sunnuntai 17. elokuuta 2014

Paatos / Decision

Palasin sitten vanhanmalliseen blogipohjaan. Olen lueskellut ja kysellyt ja tuo kommenttilaatikon haviaminen tuntuu olevan kaytossa olleen mallin ongelma. Valilla nakyy, valilla ei, eika siina tunnu olevan mitaa logiikkaa etta kelle nakyy ja kelle ei. Eli palaan siis tavallisempaan malliin, jossa naita ongelmia ei pitaisi olla. Saatan viela saataa ulkonakoa mutta toistaiseki mennaan nailla.

I returned back to a traditional blog template. I've been reading and asking around and it seems the missing comment box was a problem in the template I was using. Sometimes it shows up, sometimes not, and there doesn't seem to be any kind of logic to whom it appears and to whom not. So I'm taking it back a step to a more conventional template where these issues shouldn't exist. I might tweak the look of the blog but at the moment this is how it looks.

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