tiistai 21. toukokuuta 2013

Tuoksuttomia pupuja / Scentless bunnies

Onkohan meidan koiruudesta tullut nenaton? Ei tuoksu puput nenaan vaikka ovat metrin paassa. Ollaan nyt monena aamuna suorastaan tormatty pitkakorviin aamulenkilla. Ennen kaytiin jaljella hyvin tuloksin ja nena toimi. Ehka takalaiset puput ei tuoksu niin hyvilta. ;)
Eilen ja tanaan on taas saatu kuulla sellaisia uutisia, joita ei missaan nimessa haluaisi kuulla. Oklahoman iso tornado on tehnyt jarkyttavaa tuhoa ja kymmenia ihmisia on kuollut. Heista parikymmenta on lapsia. Ja edelleen seka lapsia etta aikuisia on kateissa. Tama sai taas pysahtymaan ja miettimaan kuinka lyhyt elama on ja miten sita pitaisi elaa, mika on tarkeaa ja mika ei. Niiden vanhempien, jotka menettivat lapsensa tassa tornadossa, tuska, suru ja menetys pistaa oman sydamen ihan ruttuun. Kuinka saisi lapset, omat ja muiden, pidettya turvassa?
Jotain kivaa pitaisi keksia ommella perjantaina nelja vuotta tayttavalle tyttoselle. Taytynee turvautua Mekkotehdas kirjaa. Paassa kylla kaikenlaisia ideoita tassa vaiheessa mutta taytyy ottaa huomioon mita kankaita tuolta varastosta loytyy. Mietintamyssy siis paahan.
Kuva on otettu isomman neidin koululla ennen aitienpaivaa olleessa Luau-juhlassa. Jos olisin tiennyt etta ihan kuvia otetaan niin olisin hiukan panostanut. ;)

I wonder if our doggy has lost his nose? The bunny smell doesn't seem to hit the nose even though they are about a yard away. We've practically bumped into long ears on our morning walks. I used to take him to tracking tests and the nose was working just fine. Maybe the local bunnies don't smell as good as the ones back home. ;)
Yesterday and today we've been hearing the kind of news you really do not want to hear. The big tornado in Oklahom was absolutely devastating and several tens of people have died. And too many of them are children. There are both children and adults still missing. Again this has made me stop and think how short life is and how we should live our lives, what is important and what is not. The immense pain, sense of loss and sadness of those parents who have lost their children  makes my own heart bleed. How can we keep children, others as well as our own, safe from harm?
I need to come up with something nice to sew for a 4-year old birthday girl for Friday's party. I think I'll have to turn to Mekkotehda book. I do have all kinds of ideas in my head at this point but I have to consider what fabrics I have in my stach.
This picture was taken at the Luau- party arranged by our older miss's kindergarten class before Mother's Day. If I had know that we would take a "family" photo then I would have made an effort to look better. ;)

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