tiistai 12. maaliskuuta 2013

Vilinaa vilsketta / Busy busy busy

Sen jalkeen kun pari mieheni sukulaista rantautui tanne meille perjantaina illalla meno on ollut sita luokkaa ettei ole ollut minkaanlaista mahdollisuutta tulla kertomaan teille mita taalla on tapahtunut. Lauantaina heratys kuudelta kun vanhempi neiti halusi menna herattamaan isotatinsa ja leikkimaan hanen kanssaan. Muutama minuutti sen jalkeen pienempi hihkui pinnasangyssaan. Lauantaina ensin aamua viettaen kotona ja miettien etta mita tehdaan. Sitten pakkauduttiin autoon. Nelja aikuista ja kaksi lasta. Onneksi autoni on sellainen etta sinne saa kaksi lisapenkkia takapenkin taakse. Tilava perheauto. Ajelimme New Hampshireen ja Portsmouthing kaupunkiin lounaalle. Sielta ajelimme rannikkoa pitkin maisemia katsellen. Atlanttin aallot olivat aika mahtavia. Olivat epatavallisen korkean vuoroveden aikaan lyoneet isoja kivia tielle ja tiet olivat edelleen marat. Ainakin kolme taloa on kellahtanut/sortunut koska meri vei maan talojen alta. Harmittaa ettei minulla ollut isoa kameraa mukana mutta puhelimella nappasin muutaman kuvan aalloista. Ei oikein saa kasitysta niista aalloista. Kuvausmahdollisuuksia olisi ollut vaikka kuinka.
Sunnuntaina mieheni aitipuoli taytti vuosia ja syntymapaivalahjana hanta hemmoteltiin ensin pannukakkuaamiaisella, pedi- ja manikyyrilla seka synymapaivaillallisella. Siihen se paiva sitten kummallisesti hupsahtikin.
Eilen toinen vieras kavi valloittamassa Bostonin, toinen pysyi kotosalla, kavi vanhemman neidin balettitunnilla ja tutkailemassa Whole Foods kauppaa. Mina olen viettanyt aikaa keittiossa. Tiskaamista, teen tekemista, kokkaamista.
Tanaan, nyt, on ensimmainen hetki istahtaa alas ja hengahtaa kunnolla. Vieraamme lahtivat New Yorkiin ja tulevat sielta takaisin lauantaina iltapaivalla. Talo siis rauhottuu hetkeksi. Vanhempi neiti etenkin on ottanut kaiken ilon irti siita etta on saanut leikkia ja viettaa aikaa sukulaisten kanssa, joita ei kovin useasti nahda muuten kuin Skypessa. Ehka siis muutenkin meno vahan rauhoittuu.
Olen pitanyt pari paivaa taukoa koukuamisesta. No, ei tassa olisi kylla paljon kerennyt muutenkaan tekemaan. Kasi alkaa tuntumaan normaalilta. Mita sitten olinkaan silla tehnyt etta sain sen kipeaksi, en edelleenkaan oikein ymmarra.
Mutta nyt nautin taman hetken (pienemman iskin television eteen). Olen sen ansainnut.

After two of my husbands relatives arrived on Friday night it's been so hectic around here that I haven't had any chances to come and tell what's been going on. Early wake up on Saturday mornings as the older one wanted to go and wake her great aunt at 6am. Few minutes later the little one started squealing in her crib. First morning full of play and talk and planning for the day. We packed ourselves in my car. Four adults and 2 children. I'm happy I have a car that has two extra seats behind the back seat for situations like this. We drove to New Hampshire and to Portsmouth for lunch. From there we took the scenic route back home. Atlantic waves were pretty impressive. There had been exceptionally high tide and the waves had come over the road and brought big stones along. The road was still wet in places. I regret that I didn't have my big camera with me but I took few photos with my camera phone. However, they do not do justice for the waves. There were several other photographing opportunities as well but it was not to be this time.
On Sunday it was my husbands step mother's birthday. She was pampered with pancake breakfast, pedi- and manicure as well as with a dinner in a restaurant. And the day disappeared just like that.
Yesterday one guest conquered Boston while the other stayed at home, went to the older one's ballet class with us and explored Whole Foods. I have been spending quite a lot of time in the kitchen making tea, doing dishes and cooking.
Today, now, is the first time to just sit down and breath. Our guests went to New York for few days. They'll be back on Saturday afternoon. So the house will quiet down for a bit. Maybe a good thing as the girls have been a bit hyper as they've taken advantage of playing with relatives they only see in Skype.
I've kept few days brak from crocheting. Well, to be honest I wouldn't have had time to do anything anyway. My hand and arm is starting feel normal again. I still do not understand what I did to it to cause the pain.
But now I'm enjoying this moment to myself (I put the little one in front of the TV). I've deserved this.

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