torstai 26. huhtikuuta 2012

Jalleennakemisen riemu / The joy of reunion

Saimme eilen illalla aidin, Momin, anopin tanne meille. Kylla oli oita laskettu ja lopulta tunteja ja minuutteja siihen etta lahdetaan kentalle. Sitten autossa istuessa piti laskea kuinka kauan viela lentokone oli ilmassa ja keretaanko kamalassa ruuhkassa ennen kuin Momi tulee laukkujen kanssa odottajien aulaan. Kerettiin juuri ja juuri. Ja voi sita riemua kun Momi kaveli ovista lapi. Ilta menikin sitten vanhemman neidin kohdalla Momin kyljessa kyhjottamisessa ja halailussa ja suukottelussa. Pienempikaan ei ujostanut yhtaan vaikka arvelin ettei Skype ole ollut riittava ujostuksen poistaja tahan hetkeen. Mutta ei, heti kurkotti Momin syliin. :) Voi kuinka ihanalta tuntui minusta nahda lasten ilo isoaidista. Ja on se minustakin aivan ihanaa etta aiti on taalla.

Last night we got mother, grandmother, mother in law here. One little girl had been counting nights, hours and minutes to the moment when we left for the airport. Then in the car the concern was how long the air plane was still in the air and if we would get there in time in the terrible traffic. We did get there just in time. And the joy of seeing momi walking through the doors with her bags. The rest of the evening the older one spent glued to her grandmother, hugging, kissing. The little one wasn't shy at all and wanted to be held by Momi as well even though I had first thought that Skype wouldn't have been enough to get her familiar enough. But no worries, she reached immediately for Momi and wanted to be held. :) It felt wonderful to see the joy. And I'm very happy as well to have my mom here.

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