perjantai 30. maaliskuuta 2012

Pupu poikineen / Bunnygalore

Pihalla on loikkinut pupuja. En ole vain kameran kanssa niita saanut ikuistettua. Kova vauhti niilla on ollut. Ensimmaisena kesana taalla saimme ihailla ja seurata kahta pupua: aitia ja poikasta. Aiti ei ole isokokoinen niin voitte kuvitella kuinka suloinen pupupoikanen oli. He tulivat meidan takapihalle apilaa syomaa. Apilaa kun taalla pidetaan rikkaruohona eika suvaita sita nurmikoilla. Meidan pihalla sita kuitenkin kasvaa. Nytkin sita jo tuolta kovasti pukkaa ylospain. Seko nuo puputkin on saanut taas liikkeelle meidan iloksi. Sisallakin meilla on pupuja.... odottelemassa paasiaista. Nama eivat kuitenkaan ole niin suloisia kuin nuo oikeat.
Oli siella pihalla maaoravatkin riehuneet. Koko talven ovat olleet piilossa ja antaneet nurmikon olla rauhassa. Nyt pihalle on ilmaantunut kolme koloa. Eilen potkistelin kolojen reunalla olevia multia takaisin koloon.... niin eikos tanaan ne oli taas siina kolon reunalla. :)

We've had bunnies bouncing on our back yard. I just haven't gotten them with my camera. They've been quite speedy. The first summer here we were allowed to follow two bunnies: a mother and her baby. The mother was small so you can imagine how cute that little one was. They came to our back yard to eat clover. Clover is considered a weed here and is not allowed to grow on the yards. Our yard has lots of it and I like it. Even now it's growing already and I think it might have lured the bunnies to enjoy it for the munchies. We have bunnies also inside...... waiting for Easter. However, they are not as adorable as the real ones.
I also noticed that chipmunks have been busy in the back yard. They were hiding the whole winter and left the yard in peace. Now there's three holes. Yesterday I kicked some dirt back into the hole from the edges and today I noticed they were back at the edges again. :)

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